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Prof Dr Ervin Laszlo

The Founder & President of the Club


Photo © Bernard F. Stehle


Ervin Laszlo spent his childhood in Budapest. He was a celebrated child prodigy on the piano, with public appearances from the age of nine. Receiving a Grand Prize at the inter- national music competition in Geneva, he was allowed to leave Hungary and begin an international concert career, first in Europe and then in America.

Laszlo received the Sorbonne’s highest degree, the Doctorat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines in 1970. Shifting to the life of a scientist and humanist, he lectured at various U.S. Univer- sities including Yale and Princeton. Following his work on modeling the future evolution of world order at Princeton, he was asked to produce a report for the Club of Rome, of which he was a member. In the late 70s and early 80s, Laszlo ran global projects at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research at the request of the Secretary-General. In the 1990s his research led him to the discovery of the Akashic Field.

The author, co-author or editor of 89 books that have appeared in a total of 23 languages, Ervin Laszlo has also written several hundred papers and articles in scientific journals and popular magazines. He is a member of numerous scientific bodies, including the Inter- national Academy of Science, the World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, and the International Medici Academy. He was elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 2010.

The recipient of various honors and awards, including Honorary Ph. D.s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary, Laszlo received the Goi Award, the Japan Peace Prize in 2001, the Assisi Mandir of Peace Prize in 2006, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005.

Some of Ervin Laszlo's most recent books

Click on the cover of the book to order it online.

Our Sacred Mission e-Publication Cover_Final 16 July 2024
Humanity's Sacred Mission
The Great Upshift: Humanity's Coming Advance Toward Peace and Harmony on the Planet
The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution
The Upshift: The Path to Healing and Evolution on Planet Earth
My Journey: A Life in Quest of the Purpose of Life
The Wisdom Principles
Dawn of an Era of Wellbeing: New Paths to a Better World
Immutable Laws of the Akashic Field
Reconnecting to the Source
What is Consciousness? Three Sages look behind the Veil
What is Reality? The New Map of Cosmos and Consciousness
The Tuscany Dialogues
Intelligence of the Cosmos
Information Medicine
How We Can Build a Better World: The Worldshift Manual
Beyond Fear and Rage
The Immortal Mind
Global Shift in the World Mind
Quantum Shift and the Global Brain
Science and the Akashic Field
The Akashic Experience
Worldshift 2012 - Making Green Business, New Politics & Higher Consciousness Work Together
The Connectivity Hypothesis
The New Science and Spirituality Reader
Chaos Point 2012 and Beyond
Evolution The Grand Synthesis
he Consciousness Revolution: A Transatlantic Dialogue : Two Days With Stanislav Grof, Ervin Laszlo,
The Self-actualizing Cosmos
Dawn of the Akashic Age
Chaos Point - The world at the crossroads
You Can Change the World
Interconnected Universe, The: Conceptual Foundations of Transdisciplinary Unified Theory
Science and the Re-enchantment of the Cosmos
Simply Genius! And other tales from my life
European Culture and Development
The Systems View of the World
Cosmos - A Co-creator's guide to the Whole-World
The Insight Edge
Thomas Berry, Dreamer of the Earth: The Spiritual Ecology of the Father of Environmentalism

Some of Ervin Laszlo's most most viewed videos

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