Ethics in Business Award
Any working business or enterprise based in Hungary is eligible to receive the Ethics in Business Award. The award was created in 2000 by the Club of Budapest Foundation (philosopher Ervin László) and the Piac és Profit Üzleti magazin (Market and Profit Business magazine, chief editor Mária Demcsák). The award is given in the form of a marble statuette with a certificate.
Over the past six years, this award has helped solidify an awareness of responsible business practices among the local business community, and promotes better environmental improvement among companies which recognize that prosperity comes from the upliftment of others, and that along with this comes an increase in comfort.
Awards are given based on the following considerations:
Ethical practices on the part of company employees
Ethical practices by the company’s licensed owners
Business-client partnerships based on ethical business practices
The company’s societal responsibility, and
Environmentally ethical practices.
Award recipients: Hungarian-based companies (independent of company, enterprise, form of business, ownership, or size of company).
Award presenters: Piac és Profit Kiadó Kft. (Market and Profit Press Ltd.).
Award judges: The Club of Budapest curatorium’s standing Hungarian-member jury, together with previous years’ award recipients’ top-ranking leadership.
Award frequency: annually, for three Hungarian companies and enterprises (in the main categories of multinational company, local company, and small enterprise)
Award date: each November, during the two-day “e-Hungary, e-government” conference opening days’ gala evening events.
Participants: the conference has some 600 participants, as well as public personages and protocol guests invited in connection with this award.
The Ethics in Business Award mounted by the Club of Budapest is selected based on criteria requested of relevant economic and professional organizations (Amcham, Joint Venture Association, IVSZ, VOSZ, manufacturing and commercial chambers, and so on). Only professional Hungarian-based organizations are eligible to apply for the annual Ethics in Business award. During the period when nominations are being considered, candidates may apply in any one of the three award categories (multinational company, local company, and small enterprise), to be judged by the the Club of Budapest curatorium’s standing Hungarian-member jury, together with previous years’ award recipients’ leadership.
All organization of the Ethics in Business Award is managed in its entirety by Piac és Profit Kiadó Kft.
The award ceremony gala enjoys the participation of distinguished members from the public sphere, conference participants, and additional members of the Hungarian business community who support the societal-wide growth of responsible business practices.

László Ervin's message to the actors of the domestic business sector
"There is no other way than to join the service of sustainable development for business decision-makers. Large global and national undertakings to slow down and stop climate change can only be implemented by the business sector."
Dr. Ervin László
Founder of the award,
a world-renowned scientist, author, philosopher
Ethics in Business Award recipients to-date
that are still in business
2023: ALTEO Nyrt., BEPATECH Kft., Büttner Kft., Civita Group Nyrt., Cudy Future Kft., Futá Logisztikai Kft., Info Sierra Kft., MagNet Bank Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt., Prolan Zrt., Techniq 2000 Kft.
2022: BorsodChem Zrt., Derik Kft., Eaton Enterprisses Hungary Kft., ÉMK Kft., Faberland Kft., Fétis Kft., J&J Center Kft., Losonczi Innovation Kft., Metalloglobus Kft., RG- Stúdió Kft.
2021: Ferling Kft., Bárczy Környezetvédelmi Kft., Recobin Kft., SunnySystem Bt., GET Kft., Kresz & Friedler Kft., Karsai Holding Zrt., PLAN Zrt., Michelin Hungária Kft., Cloud Network Technology Kft.
2020: Flavon Group Kft., SHS Kft., Liferay Hungary Kft, Eurokomax Kft., EU-Solar Zrt., Open Online Kft., Ferro-Sped 2000 Kft., VIDEOTON Elektro-PLAST Kft., United Call Center Kft., Gablini Vagyonkezelő Zrt.
2019: Bureau Veritas Magyarország Kft., Deutsche Telekom TSI Hungary Kft., Marso Kft., SEFAG Erdészeti és Faipari Zrt., Funkció Kft., Pannon Guard Zrt., Tiszta Energiák Kft., Glósz és Társa Kft., Biovéd 2005 Kft., Napra Forgó Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.
2018: Axiál Kft., Cu-Technik Kft., HAJDU Autotechnika Ipari Zrt., Human Dialog Kft., K&H Biztosító Zrt., Kreatív Vonalak Kft., LAFARGE Cement Magyarország Kft., Mystic Nails Hungary Kft., Peki Restaurant Kft., Simon Plastics Kft.
2017: Digitáltechnika Kft., FAG Magyarország Ipari Kft., Gelbert Eco Print Kft., Hunyadi Kft., Macher Zrt., Merkbau Kft., Sárvári Gyógyfürdő Kft., AD Plastik Tisza Kft., Unisignal Kft., Young Kft.
2016: AGROVA Kft., BHE Bonn Hungary Kft., Biofilter Zrt., Fővárosi Vízművek Zrt., KAV Hungária Kft., Mapei Kft., Schrack Technik Kft., Vitaking Kft., Szatmár Optikai Kft., ÉDV Zrt.
2015: BPR Consult Kft., p2m Consulting Kft., Ghibli Kft., Bold Agro Kft., KVGY Kft., Work Force Kft., Legrand Zrt.
2014: Unilever Magyarország Kft., Rondo Kft., Elgoscar-2000 Kft., Tutti Kft., Regio Kft., iData Kft., Terc Kft., Wagner Solar Hungária Kft.
2013: AlphaSonic Kft., BI-KA Logisztikai Kft., Alcufer Kft., Magyar Suzuki Zrt.
2012: Csomiép Kft., Hatos és Társa Nyelviskola, 77 Elektronika Kft., Hódagro Zrt.
2011: E.ON Hungária Zrt., Bakosfa Kft., Nyírségvíz Zrt., SZ+C Stúdió Kft.
2010: Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt., Hajdu Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt., Ronix Szervező és Szolgáltató Kft., Zalavíz Zrt., Debreceni Hőszolgáltató Zrt.
2009: Fővárosi Csatornázási Művek Zrt., Vodafone Magyarország Zrt., Gödöllő Coop Zrt., TEVA Gyógyszergyár Zrt.
2008: Alföldi Nyomda Zrt., Electrolux Lehel Kft., Philips Magyarország Kft.
2007: Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Vill-Korr Hungária Kft., Hajtás Pajtás Futárszolgálat, Számalk Zrt.
2006: Béres Gyógyszergyár Zrt., Yettel Magyarország Zrt. (Pannon GSM-ként kapott díjat), Gravoform Kft.
2005: Debreceni Vízmű Rt., MAM Hungaria Kft., OKI Systems Kft.
2004: Főber Nemzetközi Ingatlanfejlesztő Mérnöki Rt., MOL Nyrt., NI Hungary Kft.
2003: Richter Gedeon Nyrt., Telvill Kft., Flextronics International Kft.
2002: Kürt Zrt., Siemens Zrt.,
2001: Alcoa-Köfém Kft.,
2000: Compaq Computer Magyarország Kft., Ericsson Magyarország Kft., TVK Rt.
The 20th Annual Jubilee Business Ethics Awards Gala with special awards.
Winners of the "Multinational Company" category:
Bureau Veritas Magyarország Kft.
IT Services Hungary Szolgáltató Kft.
Winners of the "Large Enterprise" category:
Marso Kft.
SEFAG Erdészeti és Faipari Zrt.
Winners of the "Medium Business" category:
Function Ltd.
Pannon Guard Zrt.
Tiszta Energiák Kft.
Winners of the "Small Business" category:
Glósz és Társa Kft.
Biovéd 2005 Kft.
Napra Forgó Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.
On the occasion of the jubilee, a special award was received for the services in business ethics:
Loyalty Award: Zsuzsa Beke, Director of Public Relations and Government Relations of Gedeon Richter Plc.
Excellence Award: Antal Mészáros, Managing Director of Csomiép Kft
Excellence Award: Lajos Szabó, Managing Director of iData Kft
Example award: Ottó Prohászka, Managing Director of Tutti Kft
Sustainability Professional Ambassador Award: Dr. Gergely Tóth, Secretary General of KÖVET
Click on the photo to read the details about the award ceremony and the recipients