List of International Creative Members
UPDATED AS OF 27 January 2025
Ken D. Foster brings over 35 years of expertise in personal and business development. He is a Visionary, Business Strategist, Best-Selling Author, and Syndicated Radio Host of the Voices of Courage Show. Ken has Coached and Mentored hundreds of CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Senior Professionals to take the courageous path, release their limitations, and free their spirit to bring in harmony, success, and bottom-line results to their businesses and lives.
Founder and CEO of Guna – Milano, Italian leader in Low dose Medicines Former President of ANIPRO, the Industrial Association of Homeopathic Companies Author of several publications in the social-health field.
Alexander Chumakov is the leading Russian spokesman for Global studies, which he writes "represents a secular stream of thought that aims to formulate a worldview transcending the division between Russia and the West by providing a new philosophical basis for their integration and ultimate unity. A book review of his book, Philosophy of Globalization, writes that Chumakov "devoted his career in philosophy to the study of globalization and authored more than 700 scientific works.
Founder of the ‘Consciousness Institute’ Lugano, Switzerland, and of the LIFE Leaders .international® Project, she holds Educational Trainings and Programs on ‘Consciousness, Self, Life’ dedicated to an unexplored intuitive communicating and understanding, in syntony with the nature of Life. On such themes she has taught to thousands of people of every age, in Europe, China, USA, South America.
With UNESCO support, Bibi Russell organized her first European fashion show (pioneering event by a South Asian female) in Paris in 1996. She also organized fashion show, The Colours of Bangladesh, in Spain in 1997. In 2016, she participated in India at India Runway Week seventh edition where she presented her latest collection on Rajasthan khadi. Bibi's collection was celebrated by the Indian fashion industry.
Charlie has spent his life time asking questions rather than settling on the answers given to him. Charlie Gay began his career by organizing events for Margaret Thatcher’s government in the Conservative Party in England. He then became one of the top event promoters in the world, creating events for Luciano Pavarotti, Pink Floyd, Duran Duran, Fleetwood Mac, and Phil Collins.
Constantin von Barloewen wurde in Argentinien geboren und wuchs in Deutschland und Lateinamerika auf. Er absolvierte sein Abitur 1972 am Fürstenberg-Gymnasium Donaueschingen. Unter anderem war er Honorary Research Associate an der Harvard University (1982–1983) und Gastprofessor an der Hochschule für Philosophie in München (1986–1987). Von 1993 bis 1996 hatte er den Lehrstuhl für Anthropologie und vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe inne.
Dana Amma Day is a commercially-minded public relations consultant and highly experienced director with over 25 years of expertise in PR, marketing, media, and business strategy. She is the founder and director of Positive TV World, a platform dedicated to producing uplifting, inspiring content.
Esposa, Madre, Abuela, y Activista Social. Participó en la actividad Empresarial durante más de 30 años. En 1998 funda y dirige en Monterrey, México, EZER A.B.P, centro de voluntariado, con el fin de generar una cultura de servicio que favorezca el desarrollo humano de las personas, la formación de líderes, y fortalezca las causas sociales con voluntarios capacitados. EZER franquicia a Fechac y la Feyac su modelo y se establecen 9 centros de voluntariado en el norte y sur de México.
David Lorimer MA, PGCE, FRSA is an inspirational visionary leader and an outstanding thinker, writer, editor, teacher, lecturer and poet. David’s achievements admirably fit this description. During his lifetime, he has founded or led impactful organizations providing inspirational teaching and services to a global community from children ten years old to wise global elders.
Expert in Alternative Energy, Peace and Human Rights. With his “Report” programmes from Baden-Baden he reached an audience of millions. And even after ten years of television retirement, he still has a strong media presence. Whether it’s a face-to-face conversation with the German Chancellor or a discussion with readers of a local newspaper. The “representative of the sun on earth”, as someone once called him.
Evolution Biologist & Futurist 1936 - 2024 Internationally known as a dynamic speaker, Dr. Sahtouris was an evolution biologist, futurist, professor, author and consultant on Living Systems Design. She taught the relevance of biological systems to organisational design in business, government and society. She was a Fellow of the World Business Academy, an advisor to and the Masters in Business program at Schumacher College.
Economiste de formation, j’ai été à plusieurs reprises chef d’entreprise dans ma carrière. Notamment pour la société Ecover en Europe, puis en tant qu’importateur de bières d’exception au Japon, pays où je réside une partie de l’année. Depuis près de quatre décennies, je me donne comme objectif d’émettre des possibilités de solutions quant aux menaces que le 21ème siècle nous réserve.
Bence Ganti M.A., integral psychologist, international teacher of integral psychology. Integral European Conferences (IEC) and Integral Academy founder and director. A dual citizen of USA and Hungary, gives keynote addresses, presentations, and workshops worldwide, including Integral Flow Groups. He lived seven years in San Francisco and has taught and held workshops in the US, Mexico, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Russia, Africa and other countries.
I am one of the first lecturers in Hungary researching and educating sustainability more than twenty five years ago. I have a PhD degree on theoretical modeling of sustainability and application in settlement planning (2006). The dissertation was based on evolutionary and systems theory. I was part of the planning team on the Sustainable Concept of Pécs and I am the member of Blue Economy Innovation Cluster, as well a known lecturer and participant in civil organizations.
Since 2009, Herman Wijffels is professor in Sustainability and Societal Change at the Utrecht Sustainability Institute (USI) of Utrecht University. This chair poses as a central question, which quality of life is possible given the ecological boundaries, and to which processes of societal change this has to lead. Wijffels studied economics at Tilburg University. He worked at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery and subsequently as secretary general of the Dutch Christian Employers .
Jody Jensen az MTA Politikatudományi Intézetének tudományos főmunkatársa, emellett nemzetközi kapcsolatokért felelős igazgató a Társadalomtudományok és Európa-tanulmányok Intézet Alapítványban (Jean Monnet Kiválósági Központ), amelynek létrehozásában is szerepet vállalt. Jody Jensen a Pannon Egyetem Kőszegi Kampuszának egyetemi docense és a nemzetközi tanulmányok mesterképzés szakvezetője.
Dr Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, previously one of the most senior business women in the UK and co-founder of WholeWorld-View. Having grown up as the daughter of a coal miner in the north of England, she has since journeyed to more than eighty countries around the world and for the last twenty -five years has lived in the sacred landscape of Avebury.
Ludwig Tuman, known to his students as Lou Tuman, was an international award winning composer. He was also active as a pianist, teaching artist, producer, writer and speaker.
Szociológus, történész, egyetemi tanár, az MTA doktora, a kőszegi iASK alapítója és főigazgatója. Jean Monnet ad personam professzor, a Pannon Egyetem professzora, a Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Politikatudományi Intézetének tanácsadója. Vezetője a Kőszeg-Kraft programot kidolgozó ISES Alapítványnak. 2012 óta az UNESCO Magyar Nemzeti Bizottsága Társadalomtudományi Szakbizottságának elnöke, a kőszegi Kulturális Örökség Menedzsment és Fenntartható Fejlődés UNESCO Tanszék vezetője.
She is an American alternative medicine author, publisher, journalist, lecturer and activist. She is the author of six books, including The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of 8, and is the co-creator of the alternative medicine magazine What Doctors Don't Tell You. According to her author profile, she is a spokesperson on consciousness, the new physics, and the practices of conventional and alternative medicine.
Zukunftsforscher, Initiator und Leiter des Think-&-Do-Tanks WeQ Institute, Entdecker des Metatrends „WeQ – More than IQ“, Initiator und Mitgründer der WeQ Foundation, Initiator und Co-CEO der Future Skills Initiative und der Planet We Initiative, Initiator und Konzeptionist des Vision Summit sowie des EduAction Bildungsgipfels, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Friends of Social Business, Jurymitglied und Laudator des deutschen UNESCO-Preises für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, Mitglied im Advisory
Mitsu Shibata was born in Nagano Prefecture in 1945 and was raised in Tokyo, Japan. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Keio University (Japan) and an MBA.
Peter Engberg is an international award-winning film director of documentaries about our human potential and has interviewed world renowned leaders and pioneers i.a. Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, Dr. Jean Houston, Deepak Chopra, M.D., Dr Bruce Lipton and Nobel Peace Prize nominees, astronauts and wisdom keepers around the world.
He is an occupational doctor, graduated in Medicine at the University of Pavia, specializing first in occupational medicine at the University of Padua and later in hygiene at the University of Trieste. He has been studying the relationship between cancer and cell differentiation for several years: he has isolated stem growth and differentiation factors that can inhibit or slow down the growth of various types of human tumors and, in general, direct the fate of normal and pathological stem cells.
Richard Tarnas is the founding director of the graduate program in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, where he currently teaches. He received his Ph.D. from Saybrook Institute in 1976 with a dissertation on LSD psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and spiritual transformation. From 1980 to 1990, he wrote The Passion of the Western Mind, a narrative history of Western thought from the ancient Greek to the postmodern.
Rendszertudatos tanár, facilitator, tanácsadó.
or more than 40 years, in lectures, seminars, week-long adventure retreats, my many books in particular, and lately, also via social media, I have had the opportunity to spread my thoughts about the principles that make up our life and thus also our health.
Sono nato nel 1955 a Milano, città dove vivo. Mi sono laureto in Lettere moderne all'Università Statale di Milano e sono stato eletto Senatore nel 1996 e nel 2001. Negli anni '70 sono stato un militante di Lotta Continua, quindi uno dei protagonisti del '77 a Milano attraverso i Collettivi Giovanili. Sono Goodwill Ambassador del progetto OLPC- One Laptop Per Child del MIT.
A Nemzet Művésze címmel kitüntetett, Kossuth-díjas magyar koreográfus, táncpedagógus; a Csillagszemű Gyermektáncegyüttes alapítója.
He is a British naturalised Australian retired actor. Oliver is best known locally and internationally for his long-running role in TV soap opera Neighbours as Lou Carpenter, a role he played for 25 years becoming one of the longest serving cast members. Lou was known for his constant sparring with Harold Bishop (played by Ian Smith) and romance with Madge (played by Anne Charlston), as well as his trademark dirty laugh, which Oliver noted was inspired by Sid James.